Wednesday 14 October 2009


Synopsis :- The police chief of Amity Island, a fictional summer resort town, tries to protect beachgoers from a giant great white shark by closing the beach, only to be overruled by the town council, which wants the beach to remain open to draw a profit from tourists during the summer season. After several attacks, the police chief enlists the help of a marine biologist and a professional shark hunter.

Characters :-
Police Cheif Martin Brody :- A policeman who looks after the town
Quint :- a fisherman who is very experienced with fishing but dies at the end of the film

Thrillers! :O

Our group have decided to do our opening of a film to the genre of thriller, we choose it as we all enjoy the thriller genre and thought that it will allow various and interesting camera shots, we have also studied thrillers in detail and we are very knowledgable about them. We are also very interested in doing a hybrid of Tte thriller/horror genre.

introducing ... My Group

The people i shall be working with in the next few weeks in order to do my project are the Lovely Lucy Smith and the Just as beautiful Jessica Norris. Jessica Norris is very artistic and i hope this will bring to the group lots of ideas about art and will propel our creaitvity. Lucy Smith is very dramatic and will hopefully bring to the group plenty of ideas and again creativty and help with the script! and i am really looking foward to working with them.

Friday 2 October 2009

The Film Industry - Warner Brothers & The Dark Knight

I studied "The Dark Knight" homepage on warner brothers website ( and discoverd that the website gave information about the cast and mini biographys of them and the movies they have appeard in with warner brothers, it gave trailers of the movie and also gives you links to posters you can download.
Warner brothers -
1) There Studio was built in 1926 on a plot of farmland
2) In 1980 the Studio received an Oscar for "Best motion picture" for "Chariots of fire"
3) Warner brothers introduced "Harry Potter" sequels which shatterd many movie records
4) In 1989, Warner aquired "Lorimar Telepictures" which bosted there profits
5) In the 1930's gangsta dramas where very popular including "Little Caesar" and "The Public Enemie"
Warner also owns "Lorimar Telepictures" and "Castle Rock Entertainments"

Psycho Movie Still

Here is a still shot from the movie "Psycho" showing the murderer just about to kill there victim, the signifiers include knifes which relate to thrillers and black figures which are also strong signifiers. They signify mystery and death.